High-Performance Seamless Base Layer
Mission Workshop seamless Base Layer는 elite-level base layer로서 사이클링, 러닝, 하이킹, 클라이밍 등 폭넓은 야외활동에서 최대한의 기능성을 발휘하도록 디자인되었다. 당신이 더울 때는 시원하게 해주고 당신이 차가울 때는 따뜻하게 해준다.
Mission Workshop seamless Base Layer은 당신이 땀에 젖지 않도록 유지해준다. 만약 땀을 흘리거나 비를 맞는다면 수분을 머금지 않고 빠르게 건조시켜준다. The base layer fabric은 매우 가벼운 탄성이 있는 knit로 37.5® vapor management technology가 적용되었다. 37.5® technology는 최근 University of Colorado in Boulder에서 실행한 비교실험에 포함되어 International Journal of Sports Medicine에 그 결과가 발표되었다. 본 실험에서 전통적인 기능성 의류보다 최대 26%의 높은 통기성을 보여주었으며 세탁하더라도 그 기능성을 동일하게 유지하였다. 또한 냄새 분자를 고립시켜 냄새억제 기능을 발휘한다. Seamless construction는 몸통 부분이 하나로 밀착되어 뭉치거나 마찰이 일어나는 것을 최소화하며 또한 바느질한 부분없이 섬유 두께를 다양하게 적용할 수 있어 단열성과 통기성을 최적화할 수 있게 해준다. Seamless construction은 피부에 닿아 껄끄러울 수 있는 사이즈와 사용법 라벨을 의류에 직접 밀착할 수 있도록 해준다.
원산지: Made in Portugal
High-Performance Seamless Base Layer
Mission Workshop seamless Base Layers are elite-level base layers designed for maximum performance in a wide range of activities including cycling, running, hiking, and climbing. They keep you cool when you’re warm and warm when you’re cool.
They breathe exceptionally well to keep you from sweating, and, if you do sweat or if it rains, they won’t bag out and will dry quickly. The base layer fabric is a lightweight stretchy knit that incorporates 37.5® vapor management technology. 37.5 technology was recently included in a comparison study performed at the University of Colorado in Boulder and published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine. In that study, this technology was found to increase performance at peak exertion by 26% over traditional performance wicking apparel. In addition to its vapor management properties 37.5 isolates odor molecules and never loses its effectiveness. To our knowledge, there is no other available technology that performs as well as 37.5 for high-activity garment applications. Seamless construction enables the torso section of the base layer to be knit in one piece minimizing bulk and the potential for friction spots. It also allows for multiple fabric thicknesses to be incorporated into the garment without the need for sewn panels so that insulation and breathability can be optimized. In addition, seamless construction allows size and care instructions to be knit directly into the garment eliminating the need for scratchy labels.
Made in Portugal
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[예매] BASE LAYER - SS Crew